Activities & Attractions in the Mt. Rainier region

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white river 2 lg
White River 50 Mile Endurance Run
packForest 1
There are miles of trails traversing this large tract open to hikers, horseback riders and mountain bikers. Trail runners will especially be pleased with the trail network. For one thing, nearly all of the Pack's trails and forest roads (which are closed to vehicles), and there are miles of these, are suitable for trail running...
running across the Dry Creek Bridge
This gentle valley bottom trail is ideal for beginning trail runners. Traveling up the White River Valley for over five miles, it traverses mature forest groves and spans cascading creeks while maintaining easy and moderate grades.
Trail along the Palisades
Impressive waterfalls, stately big trees, and sweeping views of the White River Valley; the Palisades Trail packs quite a scenic punch. Often shunned by mountain bikers because of its steep inclines and stairs, the Palisades Trail is overlooked by many hikers too, as...