Activities & Attractions in the Mt. Rainier region

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High Hut Snowshoe, 8.6 miles takes approximately 7 to 9 hours to complete, considered moderately difficult with 2,400 feet of elevation change.
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Deer Lake Snowshoe, 6 miles, 4 hours, 780 feet of elevation change, considered moderately difficult, located near White Pass Ski Resort.
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Narada Falls to Bench and Snow Lakes, an easy 7.5-miles, 6-hour snowshoe with 1,000 feet of elevation changes located in Mount Rainier National Park.
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Sun Top Snowshoe, a strenuous, 11-mile, 9-hour trail in the White River area with over 3,000 feet of elevation changes.
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Mather Memorial Highway a strenuous 10.4 miles, 7-hour snowshoe in the White River area with over 1,000 feet of elevation changes.